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Black and white picture of a mother cuddling her young child wearing a wide brim hat

A Busy Parent’s Guide for Making Every Moment Count

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Struggling to find time for your partner when raising children? We hear some advice to help you maintain a strong relationship

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**This article was written in collaboration, may contain affiliate links and does not necessarily express the views or opinions of Children of Wanderlust

“Parenthood is a juggling act, but every ball you catch is a precious moment with your child.” – Unknown.


Ever feel like parenthood has taken over every aspect of your life, leaving little room for your relationship? You’re not alone. It’s a common concern for many parents. Raising kids is incredibly rewarding, but finding time for your partner here is challenging. 

Despite this, nurturing your relationship is as essential as caring for your little ones. In simple terms, it’s about connecting meaningfully beyond just being in the same room. Now, you might wonder, “How can you do this?” fret not; we’ve got you covered. 

This post is all about making every moment with your partner count, even when your days are fully packed. We’ll discuss some simple yet effective strategies to ensure your relationship doesn’t take a backseat. 

So, let’s set on this journey together!

Mother lifting a smiling child in the air
Photo by Thiago Cerqueira on Unsplash

#1 Prioritizing Quality Time

The key to keeping your relationship vibrant is quality time. But how do you find these moments when kids need you 24/7? Well, here’s a trick you can follow – Be intentional. 

Think about those little moments that can be turned into meaningful interactions. For instance, after the kids are in bed. You can spend that time talking about your day or planning the next day instead of defaulting to your phones. 

Likewise, cooking together can also be a delightful way to connect. Here, planning date nights or a coffee date for your partner can work wonders. Remember, it’s about making the most of the moments you have. Every minute you spend laughing, talking, or simply enjoying each other’s company can strengthen your bond.

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#2 Make a Relaxation Rule

Relaxation is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity, especially for parents. You can create a relaxation rule for both. It means setting aside specific times to unwind together. This could be a rule like ‘no screen time after 8 PM’ or dedicating Sunday weekends to each other.

Moreover, consider pampering your partner. It’s about actively creating a soothing environment to make them feel special. 

Wondering how? Well, you can offer them gifts like a surprise spa day, real whizzinator XXX, or massage nights. You can also try a shared hobby that relaxes you both. Gardening, for instance, can be surprisingly calming and offers a peaceful way to connect. 

These shared relaxation activities will help you unwind and strengthen your bond. Ultimately, it’s all about finding joy in caring for each other in simple yet meaningful ways.

#3 Entertainment During Duties

Parenting often involves a lot of downtime – feeding, waiting during extracurricular activities, etc. But why not use this time to enjoy something together? These moments are perfect for sharing a laugh over a funny show or getting lost in a drama series together. 

You could even listen to a podcast or audiobook together while doing household tasks. This trick can make the tasks more enjoyable. Plus, it gives you something interesting to talk about and share. These shared experiences, even in small doses, can significantly enhance your connection. 

Mother and son touching heads in an embrace
Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

#4 Planning Future Adventures Together

Dreaming and planning for the future can be a beacon of light in the parenting routine. Whether it’s sketching out plans for a family vacation, discussing ideas for a new home, or setting mutual life goals, these activities fuel excitement and hope. 

Simply put, it’s all about creating a shared vision that pulls you together. You might wonder why it matters. Here’s your answer:

Shared Dreams: As a couple, you have a history of creating beautiful memories together. Planning future adventures allows you to continue building a tapestry of shared dreams.

Renewed Connection: Discussing the future reignites your connection. It’s a reminder of the adventures you’ve already had and those that are yet to come.

#5 Effective Communication Strategies

Communication is the lifeline of any relationship. But it holds a more special place when you’re navigating the complexities of parenting. 

Here, openly discussing parenting challenges, sharing feelings, and supporting each other’s needs is important. You can start with simple steps, such as:

  • Actively listening to your partner
  • Showing empathy
  • Validating each other’s experiences. 

Moreover, you can create a safe space where both of you can express without judgment. Remember, it’s not about agreeing all the time but understanding each other’s perspectives. 

Besides, regular check-ins can also help, where you talk about your feelings and aspirations. After all, effective communication is the key to navigating parenting as a united, understanding team.

Concluding It All Together!

Remember, it’s possible to maintain a strong relationship with your partner, even in between parenting duties. It’s about holding those small moments for relaxation, self-care, and enjoyment together. 

You can strengthen your bond by turning everyday moments into opportunities for connection and care. Remember, your relationship is the foundation of your family – nurture it.

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